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Just begin

Monday, May 18, 2020


Just after I received my fee structure from My University for my PhD, totalling N850,000 in 2012, I met my Dad, at Cooperative bank in Kaduna.

I explained to him that I had the admission letter and he smiled.

I told him however, "Baba, there is a problem. They need N850,000."

He held my hands, then slowly but reassuringly, said, *"Just Begin,* my son."

To ensure his point went home, he got into his account and gave me N14,000 in an account that had N20,000.

I was touched.

*I added N16000 and paid N30,000 into the account, and my journey to PhD began.*

Today, having reached the dream, I remember the words of my father.
*Just Begin....*

In everything you do, always remember, *JUST BEGIN.*

*Just begin, no matter how difficult it seems to be.*

It appeared to be difficult, but as time lapsed, I realised dad was right.

At some point before my defence, I gave up.

I still had a solid N300,000 to pay and they wouldn't give me a chance for my final defence.

*Then came a very unlikely help.*

I had supported a gentleman to undertake a project evaluation two times in the year.

I received his call cautiously asking me to meet him.

He was carrying a brown envelop in his hand.

He began, "Aliyu, you will forgive me if you find my action inappropriate. For two consecutive times you have given me a job without asking for a Cent. This is very unusual with many people. I did not know how to approach you, but I am deep with gratitude. Please accept my small gift."

I quickly peered into the envelope and saw they were two bundles, likely in hundreds.

He confirmed that it was N200,000.

I couldn't believe it.

The words of my father,
*"My son, just begin"* came to mind.

*Don't worry how it will end.*

*Just begin.*

If you are building a house, *just begin.*

If you are planning to buy land, *just begin.*

If you want to continue with your education, *just begin.*

If you want to pay dowry, *just begin.*

Nothing is more powerful than that advice.

*We just need to Have Faith and Begin.*

And I have revised this philosophy.

Whenever someone is doing something, I always encourage them to *Have Faith and Just keep trying.*

When things get thick, I always say, *keep walking.*

*No matter how slow Just keep Moving*

*If you Can't Walk then Crawl*

*Just Keep Moving*

When things are intimidating, *Ignore.*

*Persist and keep trying.*

*Don't give up on life just because your challenges appear to be insurmountable.*

*Do not be defeated before you begin.*

Whatever looks like a mountain will soon become an anthill...
*but only if you begin.*

Not long ago, someone asked me, "Aliyu, are we going to manage to build the office we want?"

My answer,
*"Let's just begin."*

*I believe in the power of Faith and Action (Starting) .*

No one Wins a race until they *respond* to the sound of the gun and begin.

*The secret lies in Beginning.*

Overtime, God has seen me through a number of projects because of this philosophy.

I have parcels of land that I acquired by simply paying N50,000...and, overtime, these have multiplied.

*I persuade you this day never to allow yourself to be threatened by the size of your problem.*

*The Journey of a Thousand Miles Starts with One Step*

*Begin in a small way to do something about it.*

*How Do You Eat an Elephant ?*
By Eating it *One Bit at a Time*

If it is lack of money do something small to get something for yourself.

*If it is a marital issue, look for a way to solve it.*

In whatsoever you face, *Just Begin.*

Even those with big debts can do something about it.

*Just begin by doing something little and it will shrink each day.*

I was not a millionaire, but sometime ago, I wanted to have a feeling of being one.

I drew a plan of how to hold a million in my account, at least for a few days.

After some months of beginning, I discovered it was possible.

*Three years and half of savings later, I got my first ever million.*

Even though I used it later on investments and expenses, it felt so good.

*Let's all Have Faith and Just Begin*.

Let's ignore naysayers and prophets of doom that believe we can't do it.

Remember Jesus said,
*All Things Are Possible to Him that BELIEVES*
(Mark 9:23 KJV)

By Saliu L. Oluwaseun
Brought to you by oneafricaupdate.blogspot.com


Bello Baki Oluwaseyi

I am Bello Baki Oluwaseyi, popularly known as Banky moon, I am with the aim of uniting Africa.
